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An Update – January 2022

A thought for the day…. hearing the phrases ‘hang on’, ‘just a moment’, ‘don’t go anywhere’ always baffles me, as I think, ‘where exactly can I go?’… nowhere! ?

My first year in Bournemouth has been great. The air is fresher, I’ve discovered a new fun ball game, well, err a balloon game! It’s a bit like tennis but with a balloon. As you hit it, you watch it go up slowly and then come down slowly. Not quite Wimbledon but it’s very zen! ?

The main things that are helping me right now are an aeroplane neck brace which I wear while watching TV and a remote controlled NHS profiling bed that goes up and down.

Pretty much daily I am assisted to the floor where I lie there for quite a while. Apparently the hard floor is very good for my back and I sometimes do leg and arm raises as well. I need to keep my body as strong as possible. Talking about general health, nowadays in the winter months I tend to drink Lavender tea (it’s not posh, it’s just a plant) to help me sleep better. It works!

Music therapy has been known to help people with all kinds of conditions. I heard of a chap on the radio somewhere in Australia, who was helped by listening to a heavy metal song. Not sure how this helped but if you have a worsening condition you should try anything.

I was a bit miffed over the summer when I looked in the mirror and realised my carers had shaved off my sideburns and I no longer looked like a geezer. That really tested my testicles. Actually, come to think of it, I had possibly agreed to it….like a mug (silly sausage!).

I have tried out a technology called Eyegaze that helps you communicate with a computer or special communication device by controlling the mouse cursor with your eyes rather than hands. It’s next level high tech stuff. I slowly went to touch the screen and hilariously three NHS staff all respectfully wearing medical masks shouted “No!”. I was meant to stare individually at the letters on the screen to make a word using the eye tracking technology. Hearing, “he has good eyes” coming from the speakers just left me confused, as I had been trying to spell elephant. So funny.

I now have a reasonably priced necklace, an emergency alarm thingy, which has turned out to be very handy.

My mobile phone became annoying at night with the bleeping and knocking sound on the floor from the vibration. Also checking emails in the morning became time consuming. So I now charge outside of my room at night. Problem solved! My phone is hugely important to me though, as most of my communication with people outside the house is via WhatsApp and I watch a lot of stand up comedy shows via YouTube to stay amused.

A wonderful thing happened recently. My childhood mate Neil got married to the beautiful Alexandra. Huge congratulations to them both and I hope they have an amazing life together. The night before the wedding I was about to eat a yoghurt and noticed on the label it read, “Super Fruity Black Cherry Low Fat”. It was in a transparent container. ‘What a load of bollocks’, I thought to myself. I could see the yoghurt was purple, not black. It was yummy though!

I had lovely day out in Guildford and it meant a lot to me that my oldest friend invited me to his wedding. Happy times! They gave their wedding two unique touches with bubbles instead of confetti and every guest having a photo of themselves indicating their table place. Clever!

Lee took this photo of the reception

Another thought….I was watching TV when an ad came on with an athletic woman saying she was doing an IronMan competition. I immediately thought, but you’re a woman. It should be called IronPerson these days, surely!?.

Anyway, I am doing marvellously, as always still smiling and helping, whenever I can. Here’s a pic of me sat on my exercise mat. Why the hood?… was near to freezing!

Since writing my book, I feel like a much more mature version….still me, just a bit older.

Remember….there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Life is life, whatever happens, happens. Forget about it and carry on.

By the way, my Kindle photographic self-help book, “With Family Help”, is for everyone and you don’t have to know me….mind you, by the end of it you will! ?

PS…just in case you are interested….

Below are my exercises. I can do a set. Anyone can do them.

Exercise is imperative, as is drinking plenty of water!